Useful resources for SwiftUI on macOS

A great start are the two Videos of a code along „SwiftUI on the Mac“ from WWDC21, where the main principles are described end where you get an overview of a basic App structure and navigation.

Besides the great Tutorials on Swift, SwiftUI and iOS - which I can highly recommend, not only for beginners, but also to freshen up your Swift-skills or when changing over from UIKit - Paul Hudson’s Hacking with Swift also has a course on macOS Apps. It includes 18 App projects to get you started with Hacking with macOS that gets you started with interface components, split views and navigation as well as with animation.

Another great resource is the Stanford University’s course “Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI”. Even though it focuses on iOS, the last lesson concentrates on multiplatform apps and also has a coding example and sample code.